Consulting Geologist Hydrogeologist
Excavation Source Removal
Source removal by excavation can be the most cost effective and efficient method in some cases.
Petroleum Investigations, Remediation, and Compliance Management
We have over 20 years experience in the petroleum investigation, remediation,and compliance fields. We have two in-house fully automated chemical oxidation systems in addition to equipment to perform pilot SVE and sparge tests. We have developed numerous Sampling and Analyses (SAP) plans for major retail fuel centers, operating and closed refineries, and small gasoline stations. We have managed environmental compliance and remediation projects for major retail truck fueling centers nationwide for over 10 years. We have consistently succeeded in achieving regulatory compliance and remained well under the projected annual budget.
We have successfully land farmed soil on the project site and closed each land farm according to the State's specific rules.
Construction of over 1,000 feet of interception trenches to capture, contain and allow recovery of and/or burning of 5,000 barrel sweet crude pipeline release.
69 well SVE system on 15-foot centers with solenoid valve switching half the wells from extraction to air-injection to maximize air flow in subsurface and reduce development of preferential air flow passage ways.
120 injection well network for surfactant flush of 200' X 500'' diesel NAPL plume at operating truck stop.
JLI owns and operates two fully automated, trailer mounted, 8-well injection chemical oxidation systems.
Manifold Groundwater In-Well Air Stripping and Soil Vapor Extraction
Accelerated Remediation System Well Head Installation
Injection Wells Installation
Insitu air sparge, SVE, and air-stripping system patented by Accelerated Remediation Systems, and chemical oxidation system for submerged gasoline smear zone remediation.
DOT vaults used for patented Accelerated Remediation System well head configuration including water purge and sample valve system for sampling and re-development of well to remove accumulated sand.
Injection well network installation using push probe technology for installation. truck stop.